SV - School of Life Sciences

Narrow by collection:
BMI - Brain Mind Institute (3,343)
GHI - Global Health Institute (1,504)
IBI-SV - Interfaculty Institute of Bioengineering (1,989)
INX-SV - Interschool Institute Neuro-X (SV) (4)
ISREC - Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (1,905)
PTECH - Core Facility (289)
CPG - Center of PhenoGenomics (2)
SSV - Life Sciences section (195)
SSV1 - Master degree projects in Life Sciences and Technology (83)
SSV2 - Master degree projects in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (69)
SV - Unattributed publications (357)
SV Archives (2,672)