
Algorithms deployed in education can shape the learning experience and success of a student. It is therefore important to understand whether and how such algorithms might create inequalities or amplify existing biases. In this paper, we analyze the fairness of models which use behavioral data to identify at-risk students and suggest two novel pre-processing approaches for bias mitigation. Based on the concept of intersectionality, the first approach involves intelligent oversampling on combinations of demographic attributes. The second approach does not require any knowledge of demographic attributes and is based on the assumption that such attributes are a (noisy) proxy for student behavior. We hence propose to directly oversample different types of behaviors identified in a cluster analysis. We evaluate our approaches on data from (i) an open-ended learning environment and (ii) a flipped classroom course. Our results show that both approaches can mitigate model bias. Directly oversampling on behavior is a valuable alternative, when demographic metadata is not available. Source code and extended results are provided in https://github.com/epfl-ml4ed/behavioral-oversampling}{https://github.com/epfl-ml4ed/behavioral-oversampling . Accepted as a full paper at LAK 2023: The 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 13-17 of March 2023, Arlington
